The Roswell Film
Actual Film of Alien Autopsy Page #1
The information on this page is related to the purported discovery of authentic footage (from 1947) that was discovered in the US by a British TV Producer with a retired U.S. Military cameraman in the beginning of this year (1995). As we created this section, to be an example of the type of information we wanted to include in our site, we had no idea of the complexity of the analysis involved in analyzing this film or the amount of attention that this incident would receive from the media and the large amount of information shared via Internet. The source of the information in this section primarily is coming from various posts made on the Newsnet (in particular: alt.aliens.visitors and alt.paranet.ufo) plus some mail we receive from time to time. Based on the reports I receive from our Site Server, this is the most popular page of our Site. We have listed the information enclosed as it was collected (beginning in early March of 1995), so that it is new to the reader, they can start from the beginning.On April 19th, we began to alter the format of this section, because it was becoming apparent that too much new information is coming up related to this case. For me (Joshua), I find this kind of interesting as the Roswell Incident (July of 1947) was the first case when a media release was issued by the U.S. Military (and also quickly suppressed the next day) and now, this case is coming up again with an opportunity to blow wide open the question for the existence of UFOs, whether they are real or not. This page begins from a Newsnet post that contains an article published in "The Circle Hunter", a British publication. While the video footage has not been confirmed, I (Joshua) did receive a phone call (in early March, just as this information was beginning to be shared on Internet) from a friend who said a mutual friend of ours meet Colin Andrews, a leading British Crop Circle Researcher, who confirmed he had viewed this footage. I believe it is only a question of time before official confirmation of UFOs is announced and this video may be one of the catalyst to help this situation.
Please Note The summary of the Roswell Film Conference of May 5th, is included on this additional page. ALSO, please check our Dated New Posting Page for a list of new Pages and Information, especially related to the Roswell Section, which is usually updated once a week. Thanks ...
Roswell Footage Page Index
This section will link you to various portions of information on this page. At the end of each section is a link to send you back to this Index.
- Article in Circle Hunter, Jan. 1995
- Article in Circle Hunter, Feb. 1995
- E-Mails from Robert Mitchell - March, 1995
- Archbishop of Canterbury Views Film (3/6/95)
- Press Articles, March 27-29th, England & France
- UK TODAY Radio Show, March 29th
New Information from the NewsGroups
April 12th, 1995
- Introduction
- Clarification of Video Shown
- Irish Times Article, 3/27/95
- Reg Presley on British TV - Jan. 95
- Papers in London - 3/28/95
- 8th Int'l Bufora UFO Congress - Film Shown
- Roswell Discussion on TV in Birmingham, UK
- Recap of Section Info - Illinois
More Details from the NewsGroups
April 16th, 1995 and Later
- Bill Chalker speaks to Philip Mantle
- CNN/Press Association Newsfile - 3/26/95
- UFO Magazine - March/April Article
- Don Ecker Talks to Fox Producer
- Santilli Gives Press Conf - 4/28/95
- Area 51 Movie to be Produced
- Mufon's Comments on the Film
- Santilli Press Conf on May 5-6th!
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Circle Hunter Magazine
January 1995 IssueThe following information was published in the January 1995 issue of The Circle Hunter magazine, published in England (information on this magazine listed in February Issue).
Stop Press: Video Footage of Roswell Autopsy DiscoveredLess than 15 hours before we were due to go to press, Reg Presley appeared on the BBC morning chat show, "Good Morning with Anne and Nick." He disclosed some interesting information concerning the Roswell alleged UFO crash. This is how the interview went (although Reg was supposed to be discussing the subject of crop circles on the chat show, he wasted no time in launching into the latest information concerning the Roswell case).
(Concerning the alleged UFO crash at Roswell): "If you think that you aren't going to find out about that, I have some great information. I was speaking to a producer the other day who has just got hold of some film footage of the autopsy done on the aliens." This was followed by shocked reactions from Anne and Nick who bombarded Reg with questions as fast as they could before the end of the transmission in five minutes' time.
They were over in America searching for some old Elvis film. This old guy, now about 76, said, 'If you think that this Elvis Presley footage is fantastic, what do you think about this?', and from underneath his bed he pulled out 15 cartridges of old film, and he said, 'I thought this was so important at the time that I made a copy and I didn't tell anyone and I've said nothing since.'"
"Have you seen this?" Reg was questioned.
"I've seen the film, and the film has been analysed and it is original 1947 footage."
"What does the video show?" Anne asked him
"It shows an alien being worked on, in an autopsy, by humans. I've seen one (alien), but I believe there are three more. There's 15 reels of this, so there's 150 minutes of the crash site, debris, and the autopsy."
"How do you know it's an alien from what you've seen?" probed Anne.
"Well, it doesn't look like you and I!" Reg joked. "It's longer than we've been led to believe. We've been led to believe that they're four feet (in height), but the one I have seen has to be six feet or more."
Although it remains to be seen what the outcome of this whole case is, if it is a genuine piece of footage then it will be a huge step forward in the Roswell case. If there's footage on the cine film of the crash site as well, then it would certainly add credibility to the whole case. It will be interesting to see how this footage turns out...
- Anthony Horn
(End of magazine text)
It has been reported that the U.S. television show, Encounters, has purchased a copy of this footage for $150,000 and plans to air it later in the year. There is another report that there will be two private showings of the footage within two weeks; one showing will take place in L.A., the other on the East Coast. No other details available.
Colin Andrews, the well-known crop circle investigator, reportedly viewed 15 minutes of the footage which showed the bodies.
Circle Hunter Magazine
February 1995 IssueThe following information was published in the February 1995 Issue of The Circle Hunter magazine, published in England (Information on this Magazine below). The excerpt below is a follow up to an article from their January issue concerning alleged video footage of the Rosewell incident in 1947. Reports of the footage being purchased by the U.S. television show Encounters have not been confirmed.
(Begin magazine text)
All the talk at the moment seems to be about the recently discovered video concerning the Rosewell alleged UFO crash and subsequent autopsy of alien bodies (see article last issue). John Holman, UK co- ordinator of "Operation Right to Know", has been on the case talking to Reg Presley and people invovled in the Rosewell incident, and has uncovered some more details about the film. The part of the film that contains footage of the debris reveals an abundance of military personel, as well as a large crane with lifting tackle.
Perhaps the most astounding detail which has surfaced is that a number of recognisable persons can be made out. One of these is President Harry Truman, the US President during the Rosewell incident. The implications of this alone are quite startling, adding credence to the hypothesis that the video is not hoaxed. The lengths that someone would have to go to, to obtain footage of President Truman in 1947 and somehow "mask" him on to set-up footage of a UFO crash site all on old cine film typical of 1947 would in itself be a very difficult task. Take, for example, the 1994 Hollywood smash, "Forrest Gump" where the actor Tom Hanks appears to shake hands with President Kennedy in a piece of black and white footage. This was produced using the lastest technology, at great expense to their budgest (alledgedly the most expensive scene in the whole film), and using a whole army of scientists and engineers. In the case of the Rosewell film, cine footage of other recognisable persons would have to be masked on to the screen in addition to President Truman, and then all the different characters would have to interact with each other in an operation much more complex than the simple handshake performed in "Forest Gump".
The BBC have already agreed to show the film on network television later this year, but the film will be studied further, before then, to help determine the origin of this bizarre footage. Time should reveal the true nature of this old cine film, but one thing is certain: it is either a hoax of unprecendented proportion, or elese a UFO really did crash, alien bodies were really recovered, and the President of the United States was present at the site. Different people will have different views, but at this stage we should all be open minded and prepared to accept either possibility.
(End of magazine text)
Note: The Circle Hunter magazine is edited by Ian McCormack and Anthony Horn, and produced monthly. Ian McCormack can be reached at 23 Cedarwood Drive, Leyland, Lancashire, PR5 1HN, England. Phone: (01772) 456765. Anthony Horn can be reached at 23 Sea View Drive, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, Y011 3HY, England. Phone: (01723) 351639.
E-Mails from Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell has been sharing with us and people on newsnet about this situation. On Sunday, March 5th, we received the message below from him (actually the previous sections came from his posts as well:
From: (Robert Mitchell)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 18:43:00 GMT
Organization: Awaiter BBS 510-939-9992
To: rshapiro@interaccess.comHi Joshua, thank you for the encouragement. At this point in time things are happening very quickly in England concerning the Roswell case, much faster than I can keep up with. I'll do my best to keep you informed, I believe it's very important that this info. reach out past just the UFO insiders. I know you have your own spin on this type of info., I believe that I can trust you to keep the spirit and intent in which this info. is being givin. Please also keep in mind that this could all be a hoax, and that this infomation could be givin out to pull us away from much more important matters. With that in mind here's part III (The two previous parts listed above).
Here's the latest on the Roswell film/autopsy report part 3. I would like to give special thanks to the International UFO Congress & Film Festival for there help in making this information available. I'm sorry, I'm not at liberty to give the name of the individual who faxed us this information. Hopefully he will allow us to use his name in the future. I received this fax on 02-28-95 from England via are friends at the International UFO Congress in Oakland Ca. No changes have been made to the text in any way, it appears just as I received it.
"With regards to your questions about the alleged Rosswell Film Footage. First of all I am very careful about what appears on these computer networks. In England It appears that everybody with a computer is trying to get into the act with the consequence that they are getting full of total rubbish"."The name of the person who went to the United State and purchased the film is Ray Santilli He is involved in the production of films, mainly musical. I have been in touch with him and he confirmed that he had purchased several reels of 1940s vintage miliary film footage which purports to show autopsy being carried out on alien beings".
"So far he has allowed certain people to view 15 minutes of the film. I had chance to view the film but was not prepared to travel 250 miles in view of what I was told from people who had seen it".
"The film which as you can imagine is very poor quality and shows a body on an ordinary wooden table, with the torso covered with a white sheet. Only the head arms and legs are visible. The head is turned away from the camera, so cannot be seen properly. Two men in white coats are shown taking samples of flesh from the arms and placing them in plastic bags. The autopsy appears to be taking place in a shed and the lighting is by gas pressure lamps. There is no sign of any contamination prceedures or even gloves worn by the Doctors performing the Autopsy. the film shows a date which is 17 days later than the Rosswell crash and the use of plastic bags for samples is to me unbelievable. I have attended hundreds of post mortem examinations and the use of plastic bags for samples is totally unthinkable. Glass containers have always been used for body samples because they do not contaminate the sample, but plastic does. In those days plastic bags were new and very primitive".
"Santilli states that he has entered into contract with the giant Fox Lorber Corporation in America to produce a film and videos which will contain some of this footage".
That's it, the rest of the fax is of a personal nature and is considered confidential.
... I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12==========================
Message received from Robert Mitchell - March 7th
From: (Robert Mitchell)
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 18:33:00 GMT
To:> Quoting to Robert Mitchell <=-
Rs> Date: Sun, 05 Mar 1995 14:02:47 -0600
Rs> To: (Robert Mitchell)
Rs> From: (Richard Shapiro)
Rs> Subject: RE: ROSWELL UPDATERs> Thanks for sharing Robert, we are starting a Web Site and I am going
Rs> to place your first two message there (since it is from a public
Rs> magazine) Should I add your last message to it?There should be no problem with using it, I have permission to post it on the net, it is public information. I do have another post from England that I cannot verifiy in anyway, which I'll share with you to give you an idea of what their talking about in England on the Boards. This message is just talk as far as I can tell. Check it out let me know what you think. I'm not sure I'm even going to post it, once again I do have permission to do so that's why I'll share it with you.
Rs> Whether this film is a hoax or not ... if you have read the various
Rs> books about Rosewell, it is impossible to me that all these people are
Rs> lying about what their actual experiences were. Also the HBO (or Show
Rs> Time) movie that is now in video stores, I think pretty much showed the
Rs> essence of the event.I agree I think they did a good job of it.
Rs> My feeling is that we try to keep others up to date with whatever we
Rs> can. Each of us has to make up our own minds anyway but as far as the
Rs> UFO issue goes .... there is just too many people having some kind of
Rs> experiece (I have had a few of mine own) and too much resistance from
Rs> the scientific community that it can't be happening.Rs> All the best ......... Joshua
Subject: Alleged Archive Film
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----You will no doubt have heard of the alleged archive film.
Whilst we must remain suspicious, there is an interesting article, a late inclusion, in the current issue of UFO Magazine (UK):
"Several cannisters of mid-1940's movies footage was apparently copied by an official USAF photographer - and stored secretly until now.According to our information, the cannisters contain several reels of film which allegedly depict UFO crash sites and debris; more interestingly however, is the autopsy of at least two humanoid figures - 5 feet 7 inches tall, and 3.6 feet respectively.
One sequence, shows two surgeons appearing to take thin strips of "skin" from a tall humanoid figure who has a large oval-shaped head and black oval-shaped eyes. Together with other strips of skin, these were placed in a sealed glass container. In the background can be seen an armed military sentry wearing a cover-all.
The environment was dark and gloomy, apparently resembling a field- type hospital tent, illuminated by paraffin-lit pressure lamps.
The 76 year old former US Army veteran had met a British television producer who was searching archive material. We are told that this elderly man, appreciating the significance of the footage, whilst at the same time recognising perhaps his last opportunity to capitalise on his good fortune, entered into an agreement which would see him financially secure during his twilight years.
We are led to believe that over 100 minutes of film exists, and negotiations have already taken place to release significant sections in the near future. Our understanding is that six-figure sums are involved, but this has now become a multi-national chase for exclusive rights between British, American and Japanese media corporations.
It is also believed that some of the data is related to the infamous Roswell UFO crash which purportedly occurred in 1947.
Most remarkable of all, is the revelation that the then President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, can clearly be seen wandering amongst wreckage of a crash site which could well be linked to Roswell and/or Corona, New Mexico.
UFO Magazine is making strenuous efforts to verify matters, and Anthony Dodd is in close touch with the English producer concerned and other key figures."
* wcGATE 4.0 = UFONet * Stairway to Heaven BBS, London, UK * 0181- 769-1740
***************** end of message ******************* SLMR 2.1a * THE PHOENIX HAS ARRIVED!
Maybe I'll post it. Later Robert==========================
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 16:06:00 GMT
From: Robert Mitchell
Subject: RE: ROSWELL UPDATE.................
JS> I will have more info to post on UFOs there but it takes a great
JS> deal of time to put it together, so I felt the info on the video was
JS> the most important at this time. Also can I list you as a contact for
JS> information? I always like to acknowledge the source of material.Yes, you may. I have a pretty large UFO database over 100 megs. of info. For people who are really interested in this type of info. They should think about becoming a member of OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support), we put out a very good newsletter. More on OPUS later if your 35%about becoming a member of OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support), we put out a very good newsletter. More on OPUS later if your interested.
JS> How are you hearing about things in England ... do you connect
JS> directly with some of the bulletin boards there ... should we list
JS> these sites if others want information directly themselves.Yes, there is a board that carrys info. from England, and I'd be happy to share that. In fact as far as I know, it's the only one in the country right now. Here I'll give you the last post I received from them. I can't get to all the info right now because I'm in this editor. I'll send a follow up with the hole story. These are some very good people, and could really use the support.
Sample of Post from Calif Based BBS
- Area: E-Mail
Msg#: 3580 Pvt Rec'd . . . . . . . . . . Date: 03-03-95 09:21
From: Danni Brewi . . . . . . . . . . Read: Yes Replied: No
To: Robert Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . Mark: Subj: UK post/Truman -------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi Robert,
Here's the message I promised......danni
Subj: Alleged Archive Film . . . . . . . . . . Conf: (32) UFO!Gatewa
You will no doubt have heard of the alleged archive film.Whilst we must remain suspicious, there is an interesting article, a late inclusion, in the current issue of UFO Magazine (UK):
"Several cannisters of mid-1940's movies footage was apparently copied by an official USAF photographer - and stored secretly until now.
According to our information, the cannisters contain several reels of film which allegedly depict UFO crash sites and debris; more interestingly however, is the autopsy of at least two humanoid figures - 5 feet 7 inches tall, and 3.6 feet respectively.
One sequence, shows two surgeons appearing to take thin strips of "skin" from a tall humanoid figure who has a large oval-shaped head and black oval- shaped eyes. Together with other strips of skin, these were placed in a sealed glass container. In the background can be seen an armed military sentry wearing a cover-all.
The environment was dark and gloomy, apparently resembling a field- type hospital tent, illuminated by paraffin-lit pressure lamps.
The 76 year old former US Army veteran had met a British television producer who was searching archive material. We are told that this elderly man, appreciating the significance of the footage, whilst at the same time recognising perhaps his last opportunity to capitalise on his good fortune, entered into an agreement which would see him financially secure during his twilight years.
We are led to believe that over 100 minutes of film exists, and negotiations have already taken place to release significant sections in the near future. Our understanding is that six-figure sums are involved, but this has now become a multi-national chase for exclusive rights between British, American and Japanese media corporations.
It is also believed that some of the data is related to the infamous Roswell 80%It is also believed that some of the data is related to the infamous Roswell UFO crash which purportedly occurred in 1947.
Most remarkable of all, is the revelation that the then President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, can clearly be seen wandering amongst wreckage of a crash site which could well be linked to Roswell and/or Corona, New Mexico.
UFO Magazine is making strenuous efforts to verify matters, and Anthony Dodd is in close touch with the English producer concerned and other key figures.
* wcGATE 4.0 = UFONet * Stairway to Heaven BBS,London, UK * 0181-769- 1740
***************** end of message ******************
JS> My feeling is, whether this film is true or not, something big is
JS> coming up this year that will definitely show the ETs are here. I
JS> have always felt there might be a simultaneous sighting all over the
JS> world that would be capture on International Television. The only
JS> question will be, will these crafts be from the Greys, our own Govts'
JS> or some friendly ETs?JS> You are doing a great job and if there are other aspects of the UFO
JS> you are interested in let me know. ......
JS> Good luck .... JoshuaThanks Joshua, feel free to use the message above ... Danni is a dear friend of mine and runs one of the best UFO/Paranormal boards in the West. Any support you could these people would be greatly appreciated.
... I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12==========================
From: Robert Mitchell
Subject: RE: ROSWELL UPDATE-=> Quoting to Robert Mitchell <=-
JS> Date: Sat, 11 Mar 1995 11:39:39 -0600 (CST)
JS> From: "Richard L. Shapiro"
JS> To: Robert Mitchell
JS> Please check our web site for the Roswell stuff to make sure
JS> that it is presented ok ... I will look at your new material and
JS> see if I feel some of it should be added. I am going to add more
JS> things into our UFO and Crystal Skull section tomorrow.Joshua; heres the name and number of the BBS I was talking about. GRAY'S ANATOMY BBS at 1-619-778-1866. Sorry I don't have time to chat today, but I'm really backed up. Thanks for your kind words.
Another Post from Gray's Anatomy BBS
- Area: E-Mail
Msg#: 3587 . . . . . Pvt Rec'd . . . . . . Date: 03-06-95 09:42
From: Danni Brewi . . . . . . . . . . . . . Read: Yes Replied: No
To: Robert Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . Mark:
Subj: info 2
Date: 03-05-95 (11:34) . . . . . . Number: 1615
From: JOHN A HAYES . . . . . . . . Refer#: NONE
To: ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recvd: NO
Subj: Aliens captured on film . . . Conf: (31) UFO!Genera
Article taken from THE PEOPLE newspaper 5 March 1995.
(Text between asterisks is in italics).
* wcGATE 4.0 = UFONet * Stairway to Heaven BBS, London, UK * 0181- 769-1740BEWARE...THEY'RE STILL OUT THERE!
By JULES STENSON.An amazing film showing the first real-life pictures of aliens is about to be released - and here's what they look like.
These drawings (not included here, but in file ALIENFLM.ZIP on STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN BBS) are based on statements from witnesses who saw their mutilated bodies.
American military personnel filmed post-mortem examinations carried out on the creatures from outer space, whose UFO is said to have crashed in the United States. They also filmed debris from the wrecked flying saucer.
Now the astonishing footage - never seen publicly before - has been bought for u100,000 by London-based film producer Ray Santilli. He is making a video of the footage with Reg Presley, singer with Sixties pop band The Troggs, who is a UFO enthusiast.
Witnesses said piles of strange wreckage were found following the crash near the US air base at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
* The event, the world's most enduring UFO mystery, has been dubbed the "cosmic Watergate" because of claims that there was an official cover-up. *The aliens were said to be 3+-4ft tall, grey- skinned with large heads and almond eyes. They were two-legged, with thin arms and four fingers on each hand.
The wreckage - foil-like, but made of incredibly strong metal - and the bodies were rapidly removed amid growing publicity.
US authorities said at the time that the debris was from a weather balloon, but last year the story was changed. It was claimed the crash involved a US spy satellite.
Philip Mantle, director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, said:
"The footage shows the whole event - the crash scene and between three and five aliens, some of them mutilated.* "The wreckage was not discovered until about a week after the crash, so some of the bodies had decomposed and were partly eaten by predators. *
"The aliens have flesh and blood and are like humans. They had overly large heads and no hair. Their noses, lips and ears were small and they had dark, sunken eyes. They are very human- looking.
"The footage is unique. It is the only known instance of aliens on film.
"An air force officer from Washington was brought in to take the film.
"He kept some film rolls secretly for years, then sold them to Ray Santilli because he needed the money."
* Despite the attempts by the US authorities to play down the 48-year-old Roswell incident, the best-documented UFO mystery, the story refuses to die.
That's largely because the wreckage was seen and photographed by local people before being removed by the US military.
Harry Maguire, who works for Santilli's film company Merlin Productions, confirmed that a video was being made from the Roswell footage. He Said: "There are a few loose ends to be tied up yet. But we do have the footage."
A Hollywood film about the Roswell case, starring Kyle McLachlan and Martin Sheene, is to be released in Britain next month.
(Joshua: This is the HBO Film that was shown in the U.S. and is in Video Stores too. I spoke to one of the producers of this film on Compuserve and their goals he said, was to capture the drama of the people involved in Roswell and let the public know what really happened, as close as they could go based on the information they had. The Producer said he was very frustrated that the US Govt. didn't just come out and say what it knows.)
Archbishop of Canterbury Views Film
While scanning the Newsgroups, I found this other information posted in one of the UFO newsgroups .................. Joshua
Subject: Re: Roswell update, film footage
From: (QuarkMaster)
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 95 05:10:16 GMT( This message sent by someone else, not QuarkMaster)
It's my understanding that a special screening of this footage was held today in the UK for the Archbishop of Canterbury... Fox is supposed to be airing the footage in a special this month... Apparently they outbid everyone else for the rights, paying $150K for 15 minutes of footage out of over 90 minutes... It also appears that initial examination/testing of the film showed it to be consistent with film from the 1940's... It supposedly shows footage from the autopsies of a Grey, and a "Technician "type (term used by R.D. Butler in his article on UFO Occupant Classifications> to read it) smaller humanoid being. This thing is causing a stir in the appropriate places. Talk is that this could be the beginning of things finally opening up. We'll see....Keep us clued in as to when this special will air.
* QUARKMaster *
Press Articles From England & France
One of my best contacts for Internet related information is my friend Sheldon who lives close by in Chicago. Sheldon has been offering some great advice how to improve our sight and knows I have been collecting information related to the Roswell film discovered in England. So recently Sheldon passed on the following information which I thought I would include (thanks Sheldon!):
- * - * - * - * -
Dear UFO Disbeliever
Byline: Philip Mantle
Notes: You have scoffed at all those stories of flying saucers. Yet the Director of Investigations at the UFO Research Association has a film which he believes will open your eyes and change your mind.
- * - * - * - * -
03/29/95, THE INDEPENDENT - London
For years now you have heaped scorn and ridicule on our belief that there are such things as Unidentified Flying Objects. The time is fast approaching for me to say, "I told you so", and for you to eat your words.
A film has arrived from North America which is the Holy Shroud of the UFO movement. It is the closest we have yet come to proving not only that UFOs are plying our skies but also that aliens have landed on earth.
The film was taken in the summer of 1947 in a place called Roswell, New Mexico. It was taken by a military film cameraman who was flown to the desert from Washington DC to film the crash of a UFO. There are 14 canisters of 16mm film of the incident. I have only seen a fragment.
That shows a scene which at the very least is enigmatic and intriguing. It is grainy black and white. There is no sound. It shows a scene in the desert. Two men in white coats are working, taking samples and inspecting something on a bench. That thing is the inhabitant of a crashed spacecraft.
The alien is humanoid, of slight build and average height. It has no hair, eyes, nose or ears but it does have large, dark eyes. The men in white coats are taking samples and inspecting the humanoid. Behind them stands a man in a dark suit, who looks as though he is a military officer.
The implications of this film are far-reaching. First, it is the best proof we have yet obtained that an alien spacecraft did crash that summer in 1947. The Roswell case is legendary. We have more than 300 witnesses to the incident. Now we have this detailed film and the cameraman, who went on to a distinguished career in the private sector, is prepared to go on the record in public to explain what he saw.
Second, the film also implies there has been a massive and prolonged government cover-up of this, and possibly other incidents. The US military has known for decades that UFOs have landed on earth but poured cold water on all our theories.
Evidence that we are being constantly visited by UFOs has been mounting with eye-witness accounts, still photographs and scraps of video. This film from Roswell is the icing on the cake. It is no coincidence that the X Files has become a cult television series.
If you want to see the film, come along to the 8th International UFO Congress in Sheffield on 19 and 20 August. There will be a panel of academics and specialists from Africa, America, Spain and Denmark to outline new evidence and theories of UFO sightings. You might just be persuaded that we are not alone in the universe and that UFO researchers such as myself have not been wasting our time for the past 50 years.
- * - * - * - * -
Film of `aliens' offered to MoD
( MoD --> Ministry of Defense in England )03/28/95 - THE TIMES OF LONDON
FILM that is claimed to show the bodies of alien beings who died when a "UFO" crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947 is to be offered to the Ministry of Defence for analysis.
The 91-minute film, which purports to show a number of dead aliens with neither hair nor facial features and the wreckage of their craft, was allegedly shot by US government officials and kept under wraps for 47 years until an unauthorised copy emerged recently.
Philip Mantle, director of investigations of the British UFO Research Association, said yesterday: "I am sceptical by nature but potentially this is mind-boggling."
The claim is the latest twist in the story of the world's most celebrated UFO mystery which has sparked decades of speculation and conspiracy theories. According to a report in The Times, the US Army announced on July 8, 1947, that an object resembling a "flying disk" had been found near Roswell and sent to the military research centre at Wright Field, Ohio. But last September the Roswell incident was officially identified in a US Air Force report as part of a secret American atomic spying programme.
Flying-saucer enthusiasts, reluctant to abandon their theories, denounced the Air Force report as a cover-up and produced the film.
The cameraman who leaked the black and white footage passed it to the British TV documentary film-maker Ray Santilli. It will form the basis of a BBC TV documentary due to be screened in August and also shown to an international audience of UFO spotters during a two-day conference at Sheffield Hallam University on August 19-20.
- * - * - * - * -
They Came From Space
03/27/95 - THE GUARDIAN (London)
Film allegedly showing dead aliens is to be screened to a conference at Sheffield Hallam University this August, according to Philip Mantle of the British UFO Research Association. The 90-minute film, said to have been classified top-secret and to have been copied by a military cameraman, was allegedly shot by US officials after a flying saucer crashed in New Mexico in 1947.
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UFO buffs to see film of dead alien
LONDON, March 26 (AFP) - A previously top secret film purporting to show US scientists doing an autopsy on an alien creature nearly 50 years ago will be shown in August at a UFO conference, sponsors of the event said Sunday.
US air force officials shot the 91-minute film in 1947 in the New Mexico desert after a flying saucer crashed, said Philip Mantle of the British UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) Research Association.
A former US military photographer, now 82, made a copy of the film and gave it to a British documentary filmmaker he met in the United States, Mantle said.
At one point the film shows US scientists performing an autopsy on a "dead alien", Mantle said. Other footage in the black-and-white, 16- mm film shows the wreckage of the flying saucer.
The screening is scheduled for August at Sheffield University in northern England during a two-day conference on UFO buffs.
"We have already had the film checked out by Kodak who confirm it is 50 years old, and we now plan to have it examined by film experts at the university," Mantle said. "This film has never had a public screening before in the world and is already creating intense interest."
( March 29th, England with Scott Chisholm )What follow are parts of a transcription from a UK Radio station named `TALK RADIO UK`. The program was called `UK TODAY` and presented by Scott Chisholm. The show was broadcast on Wednesday 29th March 1995.
-----=====PART ONE=====-----
Key [SC] = Scott Chisholm.
SC "I wonder will history be made at Sheffield Halem University in August. Will it be an Earth shattering, mind boggeling revelation. The answers to one of the great unaswered questions of man is there anyone out there. UFO`s fact or fabrication or figment of imagination."
SC "The British UFO research organisation, if thats not a contradiction in terms, promises us the first sight of aliens. Filmed supposedly in an American desert near the New Mexican town of Roswell back in 1947, there supposedly a space ship crashed, a space ship crewed by aliens and the aliens perished in the accident. Now the creatures were examined by Airforce personel. There was a top security base nearby, and the examination of these aliens was inside a tent in the desert where they died was filmed and now the elderly American cameraman has sold his film supposedly because he wants to finance his grandaughters wedding, and thats the film we eagerly await to be shown at Sheffield Halem University in August."
SC "Now there are 14 cans apparently of film and one of them, the one that has been seen shows, well its grainy, black & white first of all, there`s no sound and it shows a scene in the desert, 2 men in white coats are working taking samples and inspecting something on a bench. That thing is the inhabitant of a crashed space craft. The alien is humanoid of slight build and average hight, has no hair, nose or ears but it does have large dark eyes. The men in white coats are taking samples and inspecting the humanoid. Behind them stands a man in a dark suit who looks as though he is a military officer."
SC "I want to inrtoduce our guest in the studio Jerry Barret runs an outfit called Polygraph Security Services. He is a lie detector. Morning Jerry. You are a lie detector."
JB "I am, thats my work."
SC "Right, and you travel all over detecting lies, right you`ve investigated many of these people with UFO experiences, infact alien experiences."
JB "Alien experiences, abductions and all sorts of similar incidents."
SC "And what have you found about these people"
JB "They are all telling the truth. You were saying earlier fact, fabrication or figment, well I don`t know whether its fact. I don`t know whether its a figment of their imagination, but I do know that its not a fabrication, they are not making up the story to gain a bit of publicity."
SC "Now whats the story you`ve been told when people have been strapped up to your lie detector, your polygraph, whats this story been about being abducted."
JB "Right, well the way the polygraph works, the lie detector works is that I spend an hour or two or three or four interviewing the subject to agree a list of questions which they can answer yes or no, so theres no maybe, perhaps or anything else. When I`ve agreed the exact wording of the question I`m going to ask like for instance, were you on the 29th July 1993 abducted from your bed in (such & such a place) and taken to a space ship, and the answer to that is yes or no. I mean they are very specific close questions. So I spend a long time and I talk to the people & the one thing that comes through very clearly is their sincerity. Now when I`m doing a lie test I`m trying totally to remain objective. I don`t want to know whether your telling the truth or lying. I just want to know the full facts and the story. I then allow the instrument to do the work because it measures the autonomic nervous reactions which take place in your body when a worthwhile lie is told. So I remain totally objective until I`ve got the charts & I`ve read the charts and analysed them & then I can say I`m sorry Scott, I`m sorry to tell you that your lying in answer to question number 4 and question number 7. You are telling the truth in response to the others, so its a very black & white excersise."
-----=====END PART ONE=====-----
Note from Illinois: If I receive via snet (a special mailing list the second part of this radio broadcast, it will be added to this section.
I was continuing to browse through the various Internet newsgroups and discovered some new information related to the Roswell film. Also I found some of the comments people were making quite interesting so I decided to open up two new sections related to Roswell. One section will contain comments from regular folks, like you and I about the authenticity of the film and the other section is related to additional information and evidence posted on Internet that support the crash at Roswell did happen in 1947. For a list of these new sections, go to the end of this page.
From: (Steve Gamble)
Subject: Re: Roswell Film to be released
Date: 31 Mar 1995 17:58:46 GMTIn article, (Clive Stonebridge) writes:
[ material edited to save space]
>This would appear to be exactly the kind of evidence that UFO >research groups have been trying to find for years, they finally get >it and then they stall The film (i.e. the 16mm original) is, as far as I know, not with any UFO research group. What appears to have been shown to a very few people is a video extract said to have been transferred from the original.
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From: (Jon Noring)
Subject: Re: Roswell Film - Irish Times
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 19:38:05 GMT
In article Eddie Gahanwrites: >I found this article in the Irish Times 27/3/95. It's probably old >hat to you serious Roswell fans but for those of you that are >interested here it is. > >A TOP-SECRET film allegedly showing dead aliens will be screened for >the first time anywhere in the world this summer in Britain. It will >also form the basis of a BBC TV documentary due to be screened in >August... > >``Of course, any film or picture can be faked, but if this is a hoax, >a lot of people were involved because they can be clearly seen on >screen, and by now we might have expected that one of them would have >let the cat out of the bag. > >``Our intention is to show the film and then Mr Santilli, who is >convinced it is genuine, will speak about the film. Then people will >have to make up their own minds.'' One way to support its authenticity (time-wise) is try to identify the individuals shown in the film. Some of these people may still be alive, and if they were able to identify themselves in it, would go a LONG way towards proving its authenticity. Of course, that would require somebody coming forward and saying that's them, which they may be afraid to (however, if some of them are very old, they may say, "what the hell, what can they do to an 85 year old man?". The other way is to determine identities with portraits from that time. If a positive ID is made of individuals who are still alive, interviewing them would be of interest. If they say "no comment", may be proof enough of its authenticity. Intriguing possibilities. Jon Noring -- OmniMedia |The Electronic Bookstore. Come in and browse! Two 1312 Carlton Place |locations: /pub/Om/OmniMedia/books Livermore, CA 94550|and 510-294-8153 | /pub/softlock/pc/products/OmniMedia | E-book publishing service follows NWU | recommendations.
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From: (Joachim Koch)
Date: 06 Apr 95 22:48:00
## Nachricht vom 06.04.95 weitergeleitet ## Ursprung : /FIDO/UFO ## Ersteller: Joachim Koch@2:2410/704.20 ## Empfaenger: All ## Nachricht vom 02.04.95 weitergeleitet ## Ursprung : Joachim Koch@242:1000/7.20 ## Ersteller: momus # ## Empfaenger: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello All! This is something very important we have received from a colleague and good friend from the U.K. who might be known in the U.S., too. As we declare that everything with regards to extraterrestrial intelligence is of interest to the whole planetary society and should not withheld from publishing we would like to present to you the following. April, 6th, 1995, The International Roswell Initiative ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Claim of film footage showing aliens at Roswell ----------------------------------------------- During a TV talk show in January Reg Presley said that he had recently seen video footage which was said to have been taken at Roswell, New Mexico, following the crash there of a flying saucer in July 1947. This footage apparently showed two aliens who were being "worked on" by doctors, though it is not clear whether they were alive or dead. Reg is a British pop musician, best known as a member of the Troggs during the late '60s & '70s. He is still very active in that role and a top single he had written then, "Love is all around", recently made a sensational comeback when it was featured in the soundtrack of the hit movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral". Reg is a UFO and crop circle enthusiast. Background to the Roswell footage story is as follows: Two guys from the world of pop music went to the U.S. to see some old footage of Elvis Presley (no relation!) never previously made public, which was in the possesion of a man in California who was aged "nearly 80". They readily agreed to buy his excel- lent Elvis footage, and the old man was sufficiently encouraged to say "Well, if you thought that was fantastic, you'd better take a look at this!" He then produced fourteen or fifteen cartridges of film with perhaps 10 minutes worth on each. He picked up some of these cartridges and proceeded to show them footage which he says he shot at Roswell in early July 1947. At the time, he was sent by the U.S. Army to make a cine film (not stills) of debris in the desert which was apparently that of a crashed flying saucer. He filmed this and a large crane which was being used at the crash site. Then he was taken to film two dead or dying aliens who were being "worked on" in a temporary shelter. One had been initially still alive but died subsequently. Whether the two doctors were trying to save this one, or merely performing autopsies on both corpses is not clear. A third man in an overcoat was standing close by and may have been from military intelligence. The photographer lamented the fact that the cine camera which he used for this was one meant for outside filming rather than one more suitable for the dimmer light inside the shelter where the bodies were. The aliens appeared to Reg to be tall, say, about 6 ft 6 in.(Other people who have seen it apparently dispute this saying the aliens were no more than 5 ft tall.) They were very skinny and had big black eyes. Reg's description hardly corresponds to other accounts of the alien bodies said to have been seen at Roswell then, which were described as being of "oriental appearance", and it certainly doesn't tally with the story that child-sized funeral caskets were ordered for the bodies, unless of course the corpses were dismembered. Some of this film apparently shows parts of the alien corpses which had been severed and were labelled. Other cartridges allegedly show many military men at the crash site and among them the then President, Harry S Truman, is visible. This is something that has never previously been suggested but might be checkable. The quality of the black and white film, taken from the end of the beds, is "not great". The original was on the type of cine film which would have been used in that era. It is said to have been recently examined by Kodak who confirm this is 1940s film. Reg has only seen 15 minutes worth, which is less than half the total footage; what he was shown had been copied on to modern videotape. He appears very confident that this film footage is in fact genuine. He knows the name of the man from California who is said to have shot the footage but he cannot yet disclose this. This Army cine photographer, who supposedly kept unauthorised copies of what he had filmed, is NOT Nicholas van Poppen, a name sometimes mentioned in connection with filming the Roswell crash but who died several years ago. The photographer is reported by some to be 82 years old. The footage is in the possession of Ray Santilli who lives in London and who intends to produce a documentary out of it. He sees this clearly as a commercial venture. He is said to have purchased the original film for $100,000, or perhaps $150,000.He has had the film for about two years and it has now all been transferred onto modern videotape, both as a direct copy and also in the form of a version which has undergone enhancement.One story is that it has now been sold to Fox for $200,000 and that they will make a TV program about it. Another is that Rupert Murdoch has taken a personal interest in it and has secretly arranged to show it to certain important people. None of this can be confirmed. Santilli is a book publisher and is connected with the film industry. He is not a UFO buff and has not been at all responsive to inquiries made by other UFO researchers. Clearly his principal interest is in the commercial value of this footage but he has promised Reg Presley a copy of the film for private use but only on condition that it is not copied. Some of us are hoping to get a look at this in the near future. Although there is obviously much scope for some elaborate hoax, well-fuelled by the publicity of suppressed mystery, it would be wise to suspend judgement until we have seen this Roswell footage, which, it seems, we all will in due course anyway.One source has told me that there are inaccuracies in the film, such as performing autopsies without surgical gloves. Also an anachronism in that samples removed from the corpses are placed in plastic bags rather than glass bottles which would have been used in 1947. If these reports are true, the authenticity of the film is in question. There are also reports that copies of the films are in possession of the military. Any verdict on the authenticity of the film will greatly depend upon an independent examination of the original film, since any amount of falsification is now possible using computer techniques such as those employed in "Forrest Gump" (if you don't believe this, go see the movie!). As for myself, I will only offer an opinion as regards authenticity when I've seen this Roswell footage and have had a chance to look at the original film.
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From George Wingfield, March 6th 1995
Update on the Roswell film (March 28th 1995): Today two leading national newspapers, the Daily Mail and The Times (of London) carried stories about the recently rediscovered Roswell film footage. In particular they both reveal that BBC TV will screen this footage (apparently 91 minutes worth, in black and white) sometime in late August. It is interesting that the story in both papers is presented factually and without the usual snide dismissal that we have come to expect. Naturally the authenticity of the film is the main issue that is discussed. A preview of the film footage will be presented at the UFO Conference in Sheffield on August 19-20 which is run by BUFORA (British UFO Research Association). Conference organiser Philip Mantle has told the press that Ray Santilly will present extracts from the Roswell film and speak about its background. Mantle says that the Kodak company have tested the original film cartridges and found them to be celluloid cine film of that period. These reports are very encouraging in that there are obviously a number of people prepared to go out on a limb with regard to the authenticity of the film. This seems to correspond to what I am hearing from a usually sceptical source of mine who works for NASA in the U.S. He says that reliable sources, which he has, are treating the film seriously and to the effect that it was a deliberate leak of information rather than disinform- ation. On this general topic he has heard from two independent sources the message that major official revelations on UFOs are imminent. Of course, as UFO researchers, we've all heard that before, only to have our expectations disappointed. However, at present, I think that things are looking fairly encouraging. GW --- GIGO+ sn 310 at wad vsn 0.99.940127
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Subject: Bufora/roswell film
From: (Searchnet Zec)
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 1995 18:23:00 -0500
Origin: TEXSTAR - 0023 - MUFON_Public From: MIKE MITCHELL Public To: ALL Date: 03/30/95 at 20:43 Re: 8th International Congres U.F.O`s : EXAMINING THE EVIDENCE" The 8th international UFO Congress organized by the British UFO Research Association, will take place at the University of Hallam, Pennine Theatre, Sheffield, South Yorkshire. The Congress will take place over the weekend of August 19 & 20, 1995. The Congress will be in honor of Mr. Walter Andrus, international Director of the Mutual UFO Network. Mr. Andrus will conduct the opening and closing ceremonies and he will be the recipient of a special presentation on behalf of BUFORA for his services to ufology. The line-up of speakers at this years Congress is probably one of the most interesting for many years. As you uill see below the Congress is indeed international in every sense of the word.SPEAKERS:Dr Leo Sprinkle (USA), Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos (Spain), Jiles Hamilton (USA), Per Andersen (Denmark), Malcolm Robinson (Scotland), Cynthia Hind (Zimbabwe), Peter Robbins (USA), Maurizio Verga (Italy), Dr Helmut Lammer (Austria), John Carpenter (USA).SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:We sincerely hope, after many years of trying, to have at this years Congress the first Russian scientists to lecture on the UFO subject anywhere in the UK. Dr Sergey Chemouss is a senior research assistant at the Polar Geophysical Institute in Murmansk Russia. Dr Yulii Platov is a research scientists at the lnstitute of Terrestrial Magnetism, lonosphere and Radio Wave propagation in Moscow, Russia. Both are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Both of our Russian coLleagues are unable to definitely confirm their attendance at the Congress until the end of April.THE VENUE:The Pennine Theatre at the University of Hallam in Sheffield is a purpose-built high-tech lecture theatre that is ideal for our needs. Fully air conditioned and comfortable and centrally situated in the heart of Sheffield only short walk from both bus and rail terminals. Accommodation at a nearby hotel has also been arranged and a special Congress buffet has also been orgarnized. The organizers reserve the right to alter any and all aspects of the Congress without i pnor notification. For full Congress details please send a SAE to: Congress 95, 1 Woodhall Drive, Batley, West Yorkshire, England, WF17 7SW. * Origin: Strange Phenomena Investigations BBS , Scotland , U.K. (88:7103/61) ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: RICH BOYLAN Public To: MIKE MITCHELL Date: 04/01/95 at 10:53 Re: 8th International Congres Michael: Greetings! You, and BUFORA, have put together quite an informative and prestigious Conference, indeed. Anyone who attends will get an earful of useful information. But, can you verify for me a most interesting dispatch about the August 19-20 8th International BUFORA Conference: namely, that a top-secret 16mm Army Signal Corps film from 1947 will be screened at your Conference, showing the autopsy in progress on an extraterrestrial corpse at the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash site? Apparently, British TV documentary filmmaker Ray Santilli obtained this footage from a former Army Air Corps Intelligence photographer, and it will be made part of a BBC documentary due to be aired also in August. Will you please reply soonest as to the veracity of this dispatch from John W. Ratcliff, dated 28 March? Thank you very much, Michael, for all your service to UFO truth getting out. You have been a very informative correspondent from the UK. And a credit to Scotsmen everywhere, I might add. - Rich Boylan * Origin: QST 2 / MUFONET / Sacramento, CA - 14.4 916 922-1288 (88:4602/730) ------------------------------------------------------------------- From: MIKE MITCHELL Public To: RICH BOYLAN Date: 04/03/95 at 12:59 Re: 8th International Congres Hi Rich , sorry i have had little time lately to speak to you but many things are happening here at the moment, all will be revealled shortly. The above is accurate , Bufora have got the rights to give the first public airing of the original Roswell Cine camera film(S). I`m hoping to be invited to a preview of the whole film(s) with a bunch of our S.P.I. members, i dunno when but i hope it is soon . From what i can gather a former military person decided it was time to get the truth about Roswellout into the open once and for all. Mr santilli bought all the film and is planning to make a documentary and i believe he is going to make a video to sell to the public. I will endeavour to get more details at our meeting tonight .. Keep up the good work from the hammer of the Scotts :-) Mike * Origin: Strange Phenomena Investigations BBS , Scotland , U.K. (88:7103/61) GLENDA STOCKS | FidoNet 1:330/201.0 SearchNet HeadQuarters | InterNet Snet Mailing List info, SEND | BBS: 508-586-6977 / 617-961-4865 info snet-l TO | Download SEARCHNT.ZIP For Info! OR | Voicemail: +1-617-341-6114 subscribe snet-l "address" | FidoNet CHANNELS moderator * RM 1.3 00257 * Walk YOUR path knowing that no one else CAN....============================From: (Neil Doyle)
Subject: UK conference/Roswell film
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 18:23:21 GMTApologies if this has been posted before, but I thought it might be useful to put out the details of the BUFORA 8th International UFO Congreess to be held at the University of Hallam in Sheffield, UK, on 19 & 20 August. This is the one where the alleged Roswell footage will be shown.
Ray Santilli is scheduled to speak on the Saturday19th (time not yet confirmed) but may be persuaded to speak on both days. He will will show segments of the film, discuss in greater detail exactly how he came in possesion of it, and his attempts to analyse it. There is a "meet the speakers" buffet on the 19th (sounds groovy), although it's not stated weather yer man will be in attendance.
The conference is titled "UFOs: Examining the Evidence" and,judging by the bumpf I was sent, it looks good. Others subjects include; multiple abductions, phenomena over Denmark, atmospheric evolution on Mars and two Russian speakers presenting research results (one from the Academy of Sciences).
Apparantly photographic analysis of the film by specialists will be presented to Mr Santilli "in the near future".
Details: Congress '95, 1 Woodhall Drive, Batley, West Yorkshire WF17 7SW, UK.
BUFORA: The British UFO Research Association, BM BUFORA, London WC1N 3XX.
No e-mail addresses given.
From: (Dan Pearce) Subject: That UFO Conference: Details Date: 18 Apr 1995 17:30:02 GMT [ Article crossposted from alt.misc.forteana ] [ Author was Andy Cobley ] [ Posted on Sat, 15 Apr 1995 13:27:35 GMT ] I have got hold of the provisional program for the UFO conference that is to be held in the UK in August where the Roswell Autopsy film may or may not be shown. I rang the number given below and was sent the following details along with details of accomodation and of BUFORA's other activities. Ticket prices are 10 UKP per day or 18 UKP for both days. ****I have am in no way related to BUFORA or the conference ***** You can find more details by contacting BUFORA on +44 1582 763218 or even from: Congress 95, 1 Woodhall Drive, Batley West Yorkshire, UK WF17 7SW Here is the program of events and further details that where sent to me. I suggest the further details are carfully read ! Andy C------------------------------------------UFO's Examining the Evidence
August 19 and 20 1995The 8th International UFO Congress, organised by the British UFO research Assosiation will take place at the University of Hallam, Penine Theatre, Pond Stree,Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
Provisional Program
9:45 Start 10:00 Malcom Robinson: Scottish Ufology, "Whats going on?" 11:00 Maurizo Verga: The Evidence Through Management of UFO Related Data: The Italian Example 12:00 Lunch 1:00 John Carpenter: Multiple Participant Abductions 2:00 Per Anderson: Double moons and other Recent Phenoma over Denmark 3:00 Break 3:30 Dr Sergey Chernouss: Examing the Evidence of the UFO/IFO "Petrozavodsk Phenomenon" and similar Events in Northen Russia By the Network of Optical all Sky Cameras. 4:30-5:30 Dr Leo Spinkle: UFO's Examing the Evidence and Evaluating The ExperienceSUNDAY 20TH, AUGUST 1995
9:45 Cynthia Hind:TBA 10:45 Jiles Hamiliton:TBA 11:45 Lunch 1:00 Dr Helmut Lammer: Atmospheric Evolution on Mars and the Consequence for the Cyodonian Hypothesis 2:00 Peter Robbins: The Brentwaters-Woodbridge Incidents: An American Perspective 3:00 Break 3:30 Dr Yulii Platov: The Results of Research of the Physical Nature of Anomalous Phenomena Recieved by The Academy of Sciences in Russia 4:30 Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos: Declassificaion of the UFO Archives of the Spanish Air Force. 5:30 Closing address by our Guest of honour, Walt Andrus, International Director of the Mutual UFO Network.------------------------------------------ ADDENDUMIn addition to the first class list of speakers at this years Congress the organisers are pleased to announce the presentation by Mr. Ray Santilli, managing director of the Merlin Group. Mr. Stantilli whilst researching a music video in the USA in 1993, quite literally 'stumbled' across alleged film fotage of the actual UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
Mr. Santilli clainms that the veterab cameraman that he contacted regarding archive film of the late Elvis Presley, was at one time emplyed by the US military as a cameraman and that in 1947 he was flown in from Washington to Roswell to film the UFO crash. Returning to Washington the cameraman in question kept a copy of the film, which is said to be 14 canisters of 16mm Black and white film. Each canister is approximatly 7 minutes in duration and devoid of any soundtrack.
Ray Santilli purchased the film in question and upon returning to the UK set about trying to have it authenticated and to concider the best ways in which to eventually to go public with it.
For the purpose of the Congress Mr. Santilli will show segments of the film and discuss in greater detail of exactly how he came in possession of it and his attempts to analyse it. At this momentin time (29 march 1995) Mr. Santilli is due to be added to the program to speak on Saturday 19th of August. The time of his presentation has yet to be decided.
Should there be any alteration in the program the organisers will attempt to notify you in due course but you are advised to purchase tickets for both daysof the conference just in case Mr. Santilli can be persuaded to speak on both days. Alternativly, should Mr.Santilli or any of the other speakers\have to withdraw their participation from the conference then the organisers will attempt to notify you at the earliest opportunity.
NB: Despite numerous press reports BUFORA is not yet in a position to be able to authenticate or dispute the claims made by Mr.Santilli although two of BUFORA's officers have viewed some of the footage. BUFORA will be offering analysis by properly trained specialists to Mr.Santilli in the near future in the hope that they can get to the bottom of the whole affair.
From: (J Simon Mellor)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 23:16:04 GMT
Subject: Re: Roswell Film discussion/Central Weekend transcript.
In article <796695903SNZ@WHEATT.DEMON.CO.UK>, Tom Wheatcroft ( writes: >Central Weekend "Roswell Discussion" (22:40 gmt 31st March,1995) >Shown on ITV, in the Birmingham area (West Midlands, UK) >Thanks for the transcript Tom, I didn`t get to see the prog. unfortunately and was looking forward to reading your report -THANKS J.S.M.
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Comments on this Last Section
From: Bill.Chalker@f8.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Bill Chalker)
Subject: Alleged "Roswell" footage
Date: 16 Apr 95 21:17:00 GMTAttached is a report I have prepared which may be of interest:
Re: Alleged Roswell video.
As there seems to be some hysteria developing about this material and there has been significant inaccuracies creeping into many of the media reports, I thought it appropriate to conveye some of the information I have learnt about this affair.
Back on April 1st, I spoke with Philip Mantle, the Director of Investigations for BUFORA, who has been the main source quoted in most of the media stories. Philip like a number of other researchers has known about the footage story for almost 2 years. A number of researchers were approached then to see if they were prepared to pay for the footage. None had the resources nor the inclination sight unseen. Philip was more persistent than most.
The source was a gentleman named Ray Santilli, who Philip characterised as "a bit of a character" (something of the "Arthur Daley" from "Minder" in him) but a nice enough chap, who is a small business man in London, making videos and selling videos under liscence.
When Santilli first told Mantle about the film, Philip told him he didn't believe him and that it would just remain a story until such time as he was able to sight the material and look further into it. Mantle was unsuccessful in sighting the footage. Other researchers faced similar unsuccessful gauntlets.
At the beginning of this year Philip Mantle was writing a review of the "Roswell" movie release. He contacted Santilli to ask if he still claimed to have the film material. Santilli indicated he still did but indicated that Mantle did not believe him.
Soon after that pop singer and song writer, Reg Presley, went on TV to say he had seen part of the film material. Reg is well known in UK UFO circles as being a strong UFO enthusiast. It appears that he and Santilli may have entered into a deal which would have Reg introducing the material on a video to be released under their company, Merlin Video. There is unconfirmed talk of some sort of deal with the BBC. Philip arrange to meet with Santilli at Santilli's London office. He did this in mid March, along with his wife Sue as a witness. Santilli told Mantle the same story he had told him some 18 months or more earlier. Santilli claimed he had gone to the States to research a video on Elvis Presley and he sought out an old time camera man, who had a reputation for archival collections on the King. He bought some Elvis footage off him. At that time the fellow showed Santilli some film footage allegedly of Roswell.
According to Santilli, the old gentleman claimed he was prior to 1952, employed by the US military as a camera man, and in 1947 was flown to Roswell to film the alleged Roswell recovery. He claimed to have kept a copy of the footage he took. As his granddaughter was getting married and he needed money, he allegedly offered the footage to Santilli. Santilli claims to have bought the footage for 100,000 pounds.
Philip Mantle has seen only one film - one of allegedly 14 segments of film, each apparently approximately 7 minutes long. They are all allegedly related to Roswell and are suppose to show such things as Harry Truman turning up, autopsies, etc. The segment Mantle saw and was allowed to copy onto video, is what Santilli refers to as "the on site examination". A creature appears to be being examined in what looks like a tent or hut. The being is partially covered, and is lying on a bench or table or similar thing. Its arms, legs and its head are visible. It has no hair, no ears and no nose. It has "big, black eyes". It appears to be pale skinned. The footage is in black and white. It does not appear to be a short entity. Although height estimates are relative to the 2 figures near it, Mantle indicates the footage suggests its about 5 feet 6 inches, the height of an average man, although he admits it is difficult to tell. I know other acounts refer to more than 6 feet and others to no more than 5 feet! It appears to be slimly built. It is laid flat. Its appears seems to be consistent with the latest version of the Randles & Schmitt scenario, although it does have large dark eyes.
There are 2 men at the far side of the table in white coats. There are not wearing surgicial masks or apparently gloves. They seem to be engaged in examining or sampling from the figure althought it is difficult to determine detail. In the foreground there is a figure with his back to the camera in dark clothing. There is no dialogue on the film.
There are no solid points of reference on the film, according to Philip Mantle. Philip remarked to me that it could easily be a model on the bed or bench. The particular sequence he saw could easily be replicated, with Mantle saying to me, "I could do it in our own garden, if I wanted to." Claims that it has been checked by Kodak are not accurate according to Philip Mantle. He told me as of April 1st, that he had spoken with Kodak and they indicated they had not seen the footage, but were prepared to do so. Philip indicates he felt Santilli was being very honest with him, and that he characterises himself (Santilli) as the wrong person to have this film, and his only intention is to make some money out of it. According to Philip Mantle, Santilli has no real interest in the content, other than the commercial value of it.
Researchers now have the alleged name of the military photographer. I am aware of it and I hope that US researchers are able to track down the alleged 82 year old and confirm his credentials, one way or another. The legitimacy of this material revolves around the background of the alleged military photographer and how well the original footage stands up to creditiable and experienced examinination. To date none of this has apparently been done. It is a case of simply waiting until those in a position to do so properly authenticate the material and the source or confirm it as a hoax. I would suggest that patience would be our best counsel. The so called Hitler diaries, the Jack the Ripper diary and the MJ 12 affair suggest it would be wise to wait until the full investigation is in. It will either be a great story or an entertaining one.
Bill Chalker,Inquiries regarding ParaNet, or mail directed to Michael Corbin, should be sent to: Or you can phone voice at
UFO Investigation Centre,
P.O. Box W42,
West Pennant Hills, NSW,
AUSTRALIA, 2125.Voice line: Sydney: (02) 484 4680. -- Bill Chalker - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Bill.Chalker@f8.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG ======================================================================
Michael Corbin
ParaNet Information Services
TO BE SHOWN IN PUBLIC[For several weeks, rumors have circulated concerning film footage that allegedly shows bodies and wreckage from the 1947 Roswell incident. ISCNI*Flash thanks (James Sutton) for forwarding this latest information.]
On Sunday, March 26, CNN announced on Headline News that in August of this year at a UFO convention to be held in England a 16 mm film of an alien autopsy filmed by the U.S. military from a 1947 UFO crash in New Mexico will be shown to the public. The film is also said to show wreckage of the craft. No further information was given on CNN. The announcement was made between sports and entertainment news. However, similar stories were found in a number of newspapers around the country on the same day. These stories were apparently based on the following press release (original source not known).
Copyright 1995 The Press Association Limited
Press Association NewsfileMarch 26, 1995, Sunday
LENGTH: 429 words
A top-secret film allegedly showing dead aliens will be screened for the first time anywhere in the world this summer - in Britain. It will also form the basis of a sensational BBC TV documentary due to be screened in August.
The 91-minute film, to be shown to an international audience of UFO spotters at a two-day conference at Sheffield Hallam University, has been classified as top secret for almost 50 years. It was shot by U.S. government officials in the desert of New Mexico, allegedly after a flying saucer crash-landed in 1947. U.S. Air Force officials sealed off the site and the film, shot by military cameramen, was immediately classified. UFO experts claim the truth has been covered up ever since.
But the 16mm black and white silent film, shot on 14 reels, was copied by a former military cameraman, now 82 and still living in America, who believed the cover-up was wrong and that the evidence should be publicly examined. He passed it to British TV documentary film maker Ray Santilli - who was in America making a documentary about Elvis Presley.
The film is alleged to show scientists examining a creature laid on a slab inside a tent at the crash site, guarded by military police. Scientists carry out an autopsy on the alien body and examine tissue samples. It is also said to show part of the spaceship wreckage - allegedly made from a material that could not be burned, dented or cut. Experts believe the cover-up was ordered to give U.S. scientists a chance to try to copy the engineering.
The UFO conference where it will be screened in August is likely to attract more than 500 enthusiasts from as far afield as Russia and South Africa. Conference organizer Philip Mantle of the British UFO Research Association said:
"We have already had the film checked out by Kodak who confirm it is 50 years old, and we now plan to have it examined by film experts at the university."Mr. Mantle, director of investigations for the UFO association, added:
"I have seen one seven-minute reel. The film is clear and very intriguing."Of course, any film or picture can be faked, but if this is a hoax, a lot of people were involved because they can be clearly seen on screen, and by now we might have expected that one of them would have let the cat out of the bag.
"Our intention is to show the film and then Mr. Santilli, who is convinced it is genuine, will speak about the film. Then people will have to make up their own minds.
"This film has never had a public screening before in the world and is already creating intense interest."
UFO Magazine Article - April 1995
From: Sammi
Date: 16 Apr 1995 13:05:28 GMTFrom: UFO Magazine published by
Quest International Publications.
March\April 1995.(For details on how to obtain this magazine, e-mail me.)
(Also in this issue is a World Exclusive on Area 51 - America's Dreamland - 13 pages with data and detailed photographs)
ROSWELL - THE MISSING LINK?Details are emerging of some historical film footage which amongst other things purports to show a US military autopsy on a dead alien.
Reg Presley and Busty Taylor recently appeared on (BBC) 'Good Morning Television' giving partial details about the discovery.
Several cannisters of mid-1940's footage was apparently copied by an official USAF photographer - and stored secretly until now ....
According to our information, the cannisters contain several reels of film which allegedly depict UFO crash sites and debris; more interestingly, however, is the autopsy of at least two humanoid figures - 5 feet 7 inches tall, and 3.6ft respectively.
One sequence shows two surgeons appearing to take thin strips of 'skin' from a tall humanoid figure who has a large oval-shaped head and black oval-shaped eyes. Together with other strips of skin, these were placed in a sealed glass container. In the background can be seen an armed military sentry wearing a cover-all.
The environment was stark and gloomy, apparently resembling a field-type hospital tent, illuminated by paraffin-lit pressure lamps. The 76-year old former US Army veteran had met a British television producer who was searching archive material. We are told that this elderly man, appreciating the significance of the footage, whilst at the same time recognising perhaps his last opportunity to capitalise on his good fortune, entered into an arrangement which would see him financially secure during his twilight years.
We are led to believe that over 100 minutes of film exists, and negotiations have already taken place to release significant sections in the near future. Our understanding is that six-figure sums are involved, but this has now become a multi-national chase for exclusive rights between British, American and Japanese media corporations. It is also believed that some of the data is related to the infamous Roswell UFO crash which purportedly occurred in 1947. Most remarkable of all is the revelation that the then President of the United States, Harry S Truman, can clearly be seen wandering amongst the wreckage of a crash site which could well be linked to Roswell and\or Corona, New Mexico.
UFO Magazine is making strenous efforts to verify matters, and Anthony Dodd (Quest's Chief Investigator) is in close touch with the English producer concerned and other key figures. " Unquote
The article includes a still photo from the American production of "Roswell - the Movie: starring Martin Sheen. This photograph shows an alien figure being examined by doctors who have removed skin from various parts of the body lying on the table. The article goes on to say:
"This representation may well mirror the truth if the hitherto secret USAF film turns out to be the real thing"As Quest's representative (in South Africa) I am being kept updated and I will post any and all information received. -
From: Andrew "Dice" GoreSubject: Re: ALIEN AUTOPSY LATEST REPORT Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:14:40 GMT Don Ecker's "UFO's Tonight" talk show was very good last night. On it he had an executive producer for Fox's "Encounters" show. He confirmed the rumors, that the Roswell film is real as described above, and that Encounters is making every effort to obtain rights to it. The man said he was just leaving for England to finalize the deal. If everything goes well, it will be shown this summer as the centerpiece of a UFO- themed show. Cassette tapes of the show are available for about $17. Let me know if you are interested.
Page Index
Santilli Gives Press Conference in England
( Friday, April 28th )From: (CNI Glenda) Subject: Ufological update Date: 16 Apr 1995 15:29:10 -0400
15 Apr 95 11:26:01 Rcvd: Sun 16 Apr 5:59 By: Rich Boylan To: Glenda Stocks Re: UFOs ----------------------------------------------------------------- AREA:I_UFO Glenda: Be aware that on Friday, April 28th, British TV documentary producer Ray Santilli, possessor of the Roswell 1947 Saucer Crash Retrieval and ET Autopsies Film, will hold a world press conference to reveal what the films show. Collin Andrews has seen the film and been given a clip. He has told Sgt. Major Bob Dean that he thinks the film is authentic. A copy of the film is being examined by a pathologist M.D. from the British Home Office, (the equivalent of the U.S. State Department.) The British Broadcasting Corporation is producing a TV Documentary on the film that Mr. Santilli has in his possession. The Boston Globe has run a story on Harvard University's persecutory committee investigation of Dr. John Mack's research into ET encounters. The student paper, The Crimson, is going to run the story of this flagrant violation of academic freedom. Student activism against the Harvard benighted administration is anticipated. White House Science Advisor Dr. Jack Gibbons has responded to an FOIA request, and released correspondence on UFO matters with Laurence Rockefeller, USN Cdr. (Ret.) Scott Jones, Ph.D., convener of the Cosmic Cultures Conference, US Air Force officials, former French Govt. UFO Investigations Office (GEPAN) official Dr. Jacques Vallee, former Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, (who authored a letter to Clinton's incoming Defense Secretary Les Aspin offering to bring him up to speed on UFO matters), etc. Republican National Committee officers have contacted astronauts Gordon Cooper and others to learn what they know about UFOs. Apparently in the works is a Presidential Release from National Security oath for astronaut Gordon Cooper to enable him to tell what he knows about UFOs. Jacques Vallee has offered to brief Dr. Gibbons on what President Clinton doesn't have access to about UFOs. THERE goes the UFO Cover-Up. Once President Clinton finds out who has been keeping National Security information hidden from the President and Commander-in-Chief, all hell's going to break out. Let us thank the Higher Power that we have lived to see these days. So, my friend, be so informed. And would you be so gracious as to employ your demonstrated skills in spreading this information onto all nets, Conferences, and Echos to which you have access? I thank you, and so will those who come into possession of this information. - Rich Boylan * Origin: QST 2 - Sacramento's Premier Ham BBS (916) 920-1288 (1:203/731)============================From: (Neil Fernandez)
Subject: Roswell film showing in April
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 14:36:36 GMTHi.
I just heard a UK radio programme where Ray Santilli said his Roswell film will be shown at the end of this month.
He also said it (or a video, it wasn't clear) was being examined by a Home Office pathologist.
UFO sightings have gone up a lot in the UK recently, especially in Central Scotland and Yorkshire, England.
----- AREA 51--THE MOVIE -----
Although this is not related to Roswell, it is another sign of many productions be done (in various formats - TV Shows, documentaries, movies, etc ...) to unofficially educate the public. I think that 1995 will be one year we do not forget ..... Illinois
From The Hollywood Reporter, April 12, 1995 (courtesy of
by Kirk HoneycuttA Japanese-financed, independent film will fictionally examine a real-life mystery that now exists in the Nevada desert. "Area 51," written by Mike Gray -- Oscar nominated for co-writing a similar muckraking feature, "The China Syndrome" -- and directed by actor Robert Carradine, is slated to start production in June in Rachel, Nev.
The science-fiction thriller will focus on a government facility in Nevada known to UFO groupies as Area 51 or Groom Lake. Until recently, the Air Force denied the very existence of the site.
Thanks to considerable media attention, hundreds of people in recent weeks have converged on the perimeter of the site, located 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas on Nellis Air Force Base. There, they are convinced, the Air Force is reproducing a captured flying saucer.
Last weekend, CNN aired a story on the mysterious Area 51.
International Mondo Entertainment, a subsidiary of Mondo Corp., a major real estate and development company headquartered in Tokyo, will finance and Naofumi Okamoto, president of Apricot Entertainment, will produce the film.
Okamoto said the film's budget will be somewhere between $5 million and $8 million "depending on the special effects."
The story concerns a female TV news producer trying to get to the bottom of the mysterious site.
Carradine, who makes his feature directing debut with this film, describes "Area 51" as a "detective story with a documentary sense of reality."
Okamoto said he and Carradine mutually came up with the idea for the film after seeing a half-hour documentary on Fox and reading stories about the site in several publications, including the New York Times and Popular Science.
Newsweek then reported in its Feb. 20 issue that five former and current government employees and the widow of a sixth have filed a lawsuit charging they were exposed to burning toxic wastes at the secret Air Force facility.
The widow, Helen Frost, has charged that poisonous fumes from plastics and chemicals thrown into open pits and doused with jet fuel contributed to her husband's death in 1989.
However, the workers' attorney has been stymied by the government's refusal to reveal the name of so-called "operating location" on the base. Without an officially recognized name, the suit cannot proceed.
What is known about the site is that it has been used as a testing ground for the U-2 spy plane and the F-117A Stealth.
Okamoto, who has headed Apricot Entertainment since its inception in 1989, said the company previously produced a film called "Illusion," which starred Emma Samms, Heather Locklear and Carradine.
The investment by International Mondo marks the company's first foray in the movie business, Okamoto said. International Mondo's Fuminori Hayashid will serve as the film's executive producer.
Writing a female TV producer into the script solves the most awkward problem of any Area 51 movie: How to insert the requisite babe-ola into a male-dominated environment. Writer Mike Gray took a hint from the Desert Rat [#10] in that the babe is the smart producer, while the on-air reporter is your typical blow dried meat puppet.
We also understand that a Campbell-like character may appear in the film, giving advice to the male lead (Carradine) on how he might penetrate the secret base to rescue the heroine. This quirky desert character, the actor for whom has not yet been selected, lives in a mobile home in a nowhere town not unlike Rachel. No word yet as to whether he is feuding with the propriators of the local bar.
From: (david clark) Subject: MUFON COMMENT ON FILM Date: 19 Apr 1995 00:31:11 GMT I spoke today with Walter Andrus, International Director of the Mutual UFO Network, who said that MUFON is aware of the Ray Santilli film. Mr. Andrus said that the film, which allegedly was taken during the 1940's and shows UFO crash wreckage and an autopsy of an alien being, still has yet to be authenticated but that the Kodak Corporation has analyzed the film as being 1940's vintage. Mr. Andrus could not say whether or not the film is allegedly of the infamous Roswell crash or of some other UFO crash. He added that he will be attending the August UFO Conference in England where the film will supposedly be shown. He maintains that MUFON is interested only in facts and will wait until the film is either authenticated or declared a hoax. I hope this answers some questions for now. Whether or not this is a hoax,it sure is getting rather interesting. It seems as thought the film is real, but whether or not it is authentic is the question. I hope it doesn't turn out to be another MJ-12 thing. Dave
Update on Showing of Film in England
(Roswell Film Press Conference moved to May 5th-6th)This message I received through the snet mailing list on Internet, conducted by Glenda Stocks. It discusses a delay related to the press conference to be held by Santilli to show the Roswell Film.
Subject: Roswell Update >From Mon 01 May 95 14:33:03 Xref: world alt.paranet.ufo:24874 From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Roswell Film Date: 1 May 95 02:14:00 GMT An Adelaide, South Australian, colleague of mine is going to the August BUFORA Conference at which the Rosewell autopsy film is scheduled to be shown. Tonight she telephoned Philip Mantle, BUFORA's Director of Investigations, to ask when the much advertised media conference was to be held. She was advised that the media event is to be on Friday 5th May 1995. Posted for your information. -- Keith Basterfield - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG =============================================== >From Mon 01 May 95 14:34:32 Xref: world alt.paranet.ufo:24838 From: (Joachim Koch) Date: 30 Apr 95 22:31:00 Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: URGENT! NEWS ABOUT ROSWELL From: Subject: The Roswell Incident 1947 ## Nachricht vom 28.04.95 weitergeleitet ## Ursprung : /FIDO/UFO ## Ersteller: Joachim Koch@2:2410/704.20 ## Empfaenger: ALL ***************************************************************** *Announcement* *of the* *International Roswell Initiative* ****************************************************************** *Mr Santilli has postponed his invitation-only meeting of potential buyers of the (copies of the) footage to May 6th.* It is said that during this meeting parts or the whole rest of the so far unknown missing (film/video?)material should be presented. It was hoped to provide you with new details here around April 29th or 30st. This cannot happen now before May 7/8th. So watch out for mails with the subject: "URGENT! NEWS ABOUT ROSWELL". We would like to remind you again *to stay extremely cautious* with regards to this footage. As long as nothing is proven to be genuine it might be another attempt by "someone" to establish another "MJ12-like hoax". After the Air Force Report of Fall 1994 was clearly identified as another cover-up or to continue the old one "someone" might have looked for another strategy. Maybe "someone" has thought what went well one time may run the second time as well. But this time we have, among many other individual or combined efforts, The International Roswell Initiative and the Roswell Declaration. This document is signed by many thousands of people from all over ther world so far and day by day they become more. This time people are aware of the danger of a major hoax and this is because it will fail. For those who have missed parts of the material about the Roswell Declaration we shall post it here again on this bulletin board on April 30st. Joachim Koch Berlin, April 28th, 1995 Hans-Juergen Kyborg ______________________________________________________________________ The *International Roswell Initiative* was founded by *Kent Jeffrey* (USA), *Joachim Koch* and *Hans-Juergen Kyborg* (both Berlin, Germany) in 1994. It is officially greatly supported (among many others) by MUFON, CUFOS and FUFOR and became one of the most successful international grassroots efforts in Ufology. The central document is the "Roswell Declaration" which was published together with additional material in this bulletin board. If you have missed parts of the material or the Declaration itself please contact Joachim Koch via email. You my also look into the World Wide Web for: and sign the declaration electronically. Thanks! Joachim Koch IN: ENDIN: -- GLENDA STOCKS | FidoNet 1:330/201.0 SearchNet HeadQuarters | InterNet Snet Mailing List info, SEND | BBS: 508-586-6977 / 617-961-4865 info snet-l TO | Download SEARCHNT.ZIP For Info! OR | Voicemail: +1-617-341-6114 subscribe snet-l "address" | FidoNet CHANNELS moderator